Writing for Healing and Hope

Calling on 20 Co-Authors…


Working and residing within the Mitchell Region for the last 13 years has given me the opportunity to grow professionally and personally.
I am passionate about breaking down barriers such as isolations in our community, and one of purpose in life goals is to connect and to network, meet and greet with as many community groups as I possibly can.
This enables me to enrich the lives of members of our community by offering interconnections and building relationships and rapport with individuals and groups.
Groups such as the LGBTIQ+, Seniors, Indigenous, CALD, Multicultural, and the youth members in our society.
This is book being created, ‘Untold Stories Shared with Courage’ will offer that connectedness amongst our community and offer opportunities to feel a sense of belonging with each other locally, interstate or even internationally. It will also offer and support individuals with Mental Health and Healing as they go on a journey of writing and expressing their thoughts, feeling and experiences on paper, hoping to Let Go of the Past and feel a deeper sense love within their souls,  just as I have.
I am really hoping and praying that I can land a sponsorship or a writing scholarship fund to further support one individual to then encourage a co author to self publish their book and offering that chance to leave a legacy just as I have done.
People can simply email me with an expression of interest and I will email the proposal forward with a choice to be made of either ‘opting in’ or ‘not’.

Express your interest here.