Nikki and Father Bob

Nikki and her family

Nikki’s father and daughter
Nikki Simos
People describe me as being warm, caring, loving, compassionate, empathetic, a great listener and have a contagious laugh and affectionate smile that apparently, radiates my warm energy to others when speaking with people, be that over the phone, at meetings or face to face.
I have always been an ambitious person and have had the experience of working in different areas of employment.
I have worked successfully for a Member of Parliament, I have worked within the Film and Television Industry, I have worked in the Telecommunications Industry, I have worked for varied retail businesses and I have even worked as a Sole Trader as a Children’s Entertainer.
Currently, I am working in the Government Education Sector as a Primary School Specialist Teacher, working in Performing Arts/Drama/Media & Music. The school is located in the North Region of Victoria and has an intake of over 600 students and I teach all of them.
I enjoy working with students and assisting with building their values, confidence and inner abilities. I also enjoy dealing with parents of the students at the school, my colleagues and with members of the Community. It’s all fantastic and yet provides me with daily challenges.
However, like most people, we experience challenges in our lives that set us back.
In 2012, I lost 10 family members and friends within months and sadly the biggest loss of all was the person who brought me into this world, my dearest mother. As I attempted to deal with my mother’s passing at the time, I was also trying to understand how my boss, a person I considered as a great role model could attend his own wake, a year from the day my mother died. I was expected to attend the wake for my boss and I thought mentally, I could do it, but clearly at the time, I wasn’t ready for such an impact. I fell into a category the doctors diagnosed as Post Traumatic Disorder, bordering on Depression.
On top of this, I was also dealing with my sister’s Bi Polar/Anxiety/Depression disorder and simply couldn’t handle anymore challenges in my life. As a consequence, I broke down mentally and physically.
I consider myself to be one of the success stories having experienced Depression. I realised that I wasn’t right in my own frame of mind and thinking and needed to seek assistance immediately. When I did, I was embarrassed because I was thinking how can someone be so successful in their career, always being strong, holding the fort for everyone, suffer what I went through mentally. My friends and family couldn’t believe it but could understand why and that was my saviour. The support was there for me and I got through it.
I decided at this point I needed a change of career path.
I have often felt that I am a magnet for people. For example, I could walk into a Fish n’ Chip shop and the Business owner would be sharing a story that is confidential, personal and deeply sad in some way but because I am a great listener, I am naturally intuitive and believe I have a gift to assist people how I see best, I decided that I must reflect on my real inner passions and my life calling.
Universe Calling
I continually ask myself what is my worth on this planet and how can I make my life meaningful and meaningful for others?
I made the decision to begin my own business practice working as a “Life Strategist” specialising and assisting people with issues such as;
- Depression
- Students Wellbeing at School
- Students Wellbeing – Transitions to High School
- Personal Growth & Development
- Health & Fitness
- Career
- Relationships
- Family
- Mindfulness Meditation
My services offer face – to – face coaching, over the phone coaching and evening or weekend workshops with a minimum of 10 people in a session.
Life Coaching Institute 2014
Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP) Tadd James & Co 2014
Hypnotherapy –Tadd James & Co 2014
Time Line Therapy – Tadd James & Co 2014
The Secret of Creating Your Future 2014
Life Coaching Certification – 2013
Bachelor of Education, Secondary – 2008
Bachelor of Arts Multidisciplinary Degree – 1994
- Majored in Communication Studies, Policy Studies
- Sub-Majored Journalism
Mindfulness Mediation Certification
Spiritual Meditation & Guided Meditation
First Aid Certification Level 1 & 2
Sole trader as a children’s entertainer for 10 years. Known as “Nix The Clown”
Worked for Australian Broadcast Cooperation (ABC) for 1 year as the Production Managers Assistant for two film productions. ‘Phoenix’ and ‘Damnation of Harvey McHugh’
Worked for a Member of Parliament and dealt in particular with Multiculturalism for a period of 4 years
Worked for Telstra in Corporate and Government Departments for a period of 6 years
Volunteered my time for 4 years as the Public Relations Officer and Publicity Officer for Newlands Kindergarten
One of the founders of the Melbourne Community Television Station Channel 31 and in particular working with the Northern Access TV network. I have been awarded a life time membership with the station as I had volunteered my time for seven years with the network.
I have received an award for raising $5,000.00 for SID and KIDS in 2007.
Volunteered my time with Children’s Foundations in Kilmore
Raised funds for Kids Philanthropy
Relay for Life

Nikki’s youngest son

Nikki’s daughter